Saturday, August 27, 2005

August Storm

There is always a huge August storm in the works to see us off at the end of August. This year it was a good one. It announced itself with thunder and lightning. I went down to the beach to have a good look at it and snapped some shots of the dark clouds moving in. The storm front was drifting toward Savary from Vancouver Island. Off in the distance I could see wind and rain whipping around, so I ran to the house to put away the camera and down again to check the solar panels and kayak. When I reached the beach again (a matter of a few minutes) all I could see and feel was a huge wall of wind and rain coming toward me, obscuring everything from sight. Everything beyond a hundred feet from me had vanished...and it was coming closer at a good speed. I turned and ran back to close the windows with the storm right at my back just in time to close everything but did not keep from getting soaked. If the windows had been closed I would have stayed on the beach to feel the storm come in...wonder if I could have stayed on my feet though it...
and get a load of that weird rectangular cloud!!!

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